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Showing posts from October, 2023

LIC money back 15 years plan

  LIC Money Back Policy 15-Year Plan (Plan No. 106) is a limited premium money back plan that provides both protection and savings. It is a participating plan, which means that it participates in the profits of LIC and policyholders can earn bonuses on their premiums. Features of LIC Money Back Policy 15-Year Plan Survival benefits: 20% of the sum assured is payable at the end of each 5th, 10th, and 15th policy year. Maturity benefit: 40% of the sum assured along with vested simple reversionary bonuses and final additional bonus, if any, is payable at the end of the policy term. Death benefit: In case of death of the policyholder during the policy term, the full sum assured along with vested bonuses is payable to the nominee. Accident benefit: An additional sum assured of up to Rs. 5 lakhs is payable in case of accidental death of the policyholder during the premium paying term. Eligibility for LIC Money Back Policy 15-Year Plan Age

Lic komal jeevan plan details

LIC Komal Jeevan Plan Details Product Summary: LIC Komal Jeevan is a children's money-back plan that provides financial protection against death during the term of the plan with periodic payments on survival at specified durations. The plan can be purchased by any of the parent or grandparent for a child aged 0 to 10 years. Key Features: Guaranteed additions at the rate of Rs. 75 per thousand Sum Assured for each completed year. Loyalty additions, as declared by the Corporation from time to time. Survival benefits paid at the age of 18, 20, 22, and 24 years. Death benefit paid in case of the child's death during the policy term. Surrender value available after completing 3 policy years. Benefits: Survival Benefits: At the age of 18 years - 20% of the Sum Assured. At the age of 20 years - 20% of the Sum Assured. At the age of 22 years - 30% of the Sum Assured. At the age of 24 years - 30% of the Sum Assured. Death

Lic money back policy 15 year plan

LIC's Jeevan Surabhi (Plan No. 106) is a 15-year money-back policy. It is a limited premium plan, which means that the policyholder pays premiums for a limited period of time, but the risk cover and policy term are longer. Key features: Maturity term: 20 years Premium paying term: 15 years Survival benefits: 100% of the sum assured is paid back as survival benefits in equal installments of 20% each at the end of the 5th, 10th, and 15th policy years. Maturity benefit: If the policyholder survives the policy term, they receive 40% of the sum assured along with vested simple reversionary bonuses and final additional bonus, if any. Death benefit: If the policyholder dies during the policy term, the nominee receives the full sum assured along with vested simple reversionary bonuses and final additional bonus, if any. Accident benefit: An additional sum of up to Rs. 5 lakhs is payable to the nominee in case of accidental death of the pol

The Step-by-Step Guide to LIC Maturity Claim Process

To file an LIC maturity claim, you can follow these steps: Contact your servicing branch. This is the branch that manages your LIC policy. You can find the contact information for your servicing branch on the LIC website or in your policy documents. Inquire about the maturity claim process. The branch representatives will be able to provide you with detailed instructions on how to file your claim and the documents you will need to submit. Fill out the required claim forms. The most common claim form for maturity claims is Form No. 3825. You can download this form from the LIC website or from your servicing branch. Collect the required documents. The specific documents you will need to submit will vary depending on your policy and your individual circumstances. However, some common documents include: The original policy document A copy of your ID proof A copy of your bank account details A duly completed claim form Subm

A Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Your LIC Policy When it Matures

 At the point when your LIC (Life Insurance Corporation of India) strategy develops, it implies the arrangement has arrived at the finish of its term, and now is the ideal time to guarantee the development benefits. This is the very thing that you really want to do: Contact Your LIC Specialist/Consultant : On the off chance that you have a LIC specialist or consultant, reach out to them. They can direct you through the interaction and help you with the fundamental desk work. Finish Up the Development Guarantee Structure: You should finish up a development guarantee structure. This structure is normally given by the LIC office or can be downloaded from the LIC site. Make a point to precisely fill in every one of the expected subtleties. Assemble Required Records : Alongside the filled case structure, you'll have to present a few records, for example, the first strategy report, evidence of personality (identification, Aadhar card, Container card, and so on.), verification of home (s

How to Calculate LIC Jeevan Profit Bounce: Step-by-Step Instructions.

                                     LIC Jeevan Profit Bounce is a bonus that is paid to policyholders of certain LIC policies on maturity. It is calculated as a percentage of the sum assured, based on the age of the policyholder at maturity and the number of premiums paid. The Jeevan Profit Bounce is calculated as follows: Jeevan Profit Bounce = Sum Assured * (Age at Maturity / 100) * (Number of Premiums Paid / 10) For example, if a policyholder has a LIC policy with a sum assured of ₹10 lakhs, matures at the age of 60, and has paid 10 premiums, the Jeevan Profit Bounce would be calculated as follows: Jeevan Profit Bounce = ₹10,000,000 * (60 / 100) * (10 / 10) = ₹600,000 The Jeevan Profit Bounce is a valuable benefit that can help policyholders to achieve their financial goals. It is important to note that the Jeevan Profit Bounce is not guaranteed, and the actual amount paid out may vary depending on the performance of the LIC fund. Here are some additional things to keep

Understanding LIC Policy Rules: Everything You Need to Know!

Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) offers various insurance policies to cater to the diverse needs of its customers. While the specific rules and terms may vary depending on the type of policy, there are some general rules that apply to most LIC policies. Please note that these rules are based on information available up to my last update in September 2021, and there might have been changes since then. It is essential to refer to the official LIC website or contact LIC directly for the most current and accurate information. Here are some common rules applicable to LIC policies: General LIC Policy Rules: Policy Application: Customers need to fill out the application form accurately and provide all necessary documents as proof of identity, address, and income. The acceptance of the policy is subject to underwriting guidelines and medical examination if required. Premium Payments: Premiums can be paid annually, half-yea